Science is incredible. A diabetes medication could well, completely unknowingly, be about to significantly reduce rates of obesity, addiction and related illnesses.

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I'm not convinced this isn't all confounders. Taking a very expensive and highly desired medication like Ozympec which is very expensive is going to be a correlate of socioeconomic status, good insurance (maybe even a doc willing to fight for you) or even just caring about your health/looks.

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It's possible, but with the RCTs and animal evidence all pointing in the same direction, it seems less likely. And it's notable that the newest GLP-1 outperforms the older ones, within this study.

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Sorry, you are correct. I misunderstood the claim to be that a patient would be less likely to die after presenting as an OD (or at least conflated it in my sleepy brain) . But yes I agree there is almost certainly some effect on use -- even though I'm skeptical it's a magic bullet -- and no doubt that will affect ODs.

I really should have read or thought more carefully.

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